
Liberals Try to Disbar Trump Lawyer in Free Speech War!

In an outrageous decision from the left-leaning State Bar Court of California, former President Donald Trump’s election lawyer, John Eastman, is facing disbarment! This judicial activism is just another example of the liberal elite trying to silence conservative voices. The State Bar’s accusations against Eastman are nothing but a witch hunt, aiming to punish him for daring to challenge the legitimacy of the 2020 election.

The court’s recommendation for disbarment is a blatant attack on free speech and legal advocacy. Eastman was simply doing his job as a zealous advocate for his client, as any good lawyer would do. The fact that the court is punishing him for following legal precedent and Constitutional text is appalling. This is a clear violation of Eastman’s rights and sets a dangerous precedent for future election challenges.

The State Bar’s claim of Eastman causing harm to the country is absurd. The only harm being done is to our democracy by trying to silence dissenting opinions. This is just another example of the radical left’s attempt to control the narrative and crush any opposition. It’s a sad day when standing up for the rule of law and transparency in elections is considered misconduct.

Despite the court’s biased decision, Eastman’s attorney, Randy Miller, is rightly defending his client’s actions. Eastman’s commitment to upholding the Constitution and his duty to his client should be commended, not punished. The fact that the court is seeking to impose fines and sanctions on Eastman only further proves their anti-conservative agenda.

The conservative movement stands with John Eastman against this unjust attack on his professional reputation. We must fight back against the liberal tyranny that seeks to silence anyone who dares to challenge their narrative. Eastman’s courage in questioning the integrity of the 2020 election should be celebrated, not punished. Stand strong, Eastman, we’ve got your back against these biased attacks.

Written by Staff Reports

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