
Liberty Safe Betrays Customers: AG Bailey Fights Back!

In a shocking turn of events, Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey has announced that he is launching an investigation into Liberty Safe, a company that has been caught red-handed giving away the codes to customers’ safes to third parties, including federal law enforcement. Talk about a breach of trust!

This controversy erupted after it was revealed that Liberty Safe had complied with the FBI’s request to open a customer’s safe with a search warrant. Now, I’m no Sherlock Holmes, but something seems fishy here. Why would a company willingly hand over access codes to their customers’ safes without a court order? It just doesn’t add up.

It’s no surprise that customers were outraged by this revelation. I mean, who wants their personal belongings to fall into the hands of Big Brother? Liberty Safe’s attempt at damage control was about as successful as trying to put out a wildfire with a squirt gun. Some even went so far as to label Liberty Safe as the “Bud Light of gun safes.” Ouch.

Now, enter Missouri’s attorney general, who is not taking this situation lightly. Attorney General Bailey is rightly concerned that Liberty Safe may not be entirely forthcoming with its customers about when it will grant access to their safes. And let me tell you, he is not mincing words about it.

In a statement, Attorney General Bailey expressed his concern that in a time when the federal government is using its power to target political opponents, the last thing we need is a private company selling out its fellow Americans under pressure from bureaucrats. Preach, Attorney General! It’s about time someone stood up for the rights of the people.

I applaud Attorney General Bailey for using every tool at his disposal to protect the rights of Missourians. His investigation into Liberty Safe is just another example of his dedication to ensuring that consumers are not being deceived by shady companies. We need more public servants like him who are willing to take a stand against those who would compromise our privacy and security.

In conclusion, Liberty Safe’s actions are unacceptable. The company has betrayed the trust of its customers by handing over access codes to third parties without a court order. It’s high time that we hold them accountable for their actions. Thank goodness we have people like Attorney General Bailey who are willing to fight for the rights of everyday Americans. Let’s hope that this investigation uncovers the truth and sends a message to other companies that our privacy is not up for grabs.

Written by Staff Reports

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