
Libs Fabricate Zelenskyy US Citizenship Rumor

The liberal media strikes again! This time, they are spreading a false claim about Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the former president of Ukraine. According to their wild imaginations, the U.S. Secret Service apparently leaked a naturalization certificate for Zelenskyy, suggesting that he is leaving Ukraine to become a U.S. citizen. But guess what? It’s all a bunch of baloney!

Let’s break it down. The video in question, shared on Instagram, shows a man making outrageous claims about a Secret Service agent revealing Zelenskyy’s supposed plan to abandon his own country for the good ol’ United States. But hold on a second. Do you really think the Secret Service would just spill the beans like that? Absolutely not!

And here’s where it gets even more laughable. The man in the video presents a so-called naturalization certificate that allegedly proves Zelenskyy’s grand plan. But guess what? It’s a fake! Did these so-called fact-checkers not notice the missing middle name? A real naturalization certificate would have included the middle name, but this one conveniently omits it. Nice try, but we’re not falling for it!

But wait, it gets even better folks. The liberal media is citing a website called DC Weekly as their source. Well, let me break it to you, folks. DC Weekly is not exactly known for its credibility. In fact, it has a history of spreading disinformation about Zelenskyy and Ukraine. So why are we even paying attention to these baseless claims?

Now, let’s get to the bottom of all this. Our brilliant Fact Check Reporter, Anna Mock, reached out to Zelenskyy’s office and the Secret Service for comment. Do you know what she found? Absolutely no evidence to support this absurd story! I’m not surprised one bit. It’s just another example of the liberal media trying to push their own narrative and smear conservatives.

So, my fellow patriots, let’s not be fooled by these desperate attempts to tarnish the reputation of someone who has been standing strong against Russian aggression. Zelenskyy is not on his way to becoming a U.S. citizen, despite what the left wants you to believe. Let’s focus on the real news and stop wasting our time on these ridiculous rumors. Stay strong and stay conservative, my friends!

Written by Staff Reports

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