
Libs Lose It Over Fox Chyron: Double Standards Exposed in Media Bias Frenzy

The liberal media is melting down once again, this time over a chyron Fox News used during coverage of a speech by President Donald Trump. The chyron in question read, “Wannabe dictator speaks at the White House after having his political rival arrested.” The left was outraged by the chyron, claiming it was inappropriate and calling for Fox to be cut off from White House briefings and for advertisers to pull their support.

However, the real issue here is the blatant bias shown by the liberal media. When Joe Biden gave his “red speech” in which he demonized millions of MAGA Americans, no chyrons appeared warning viewers of the potential for violence. But when Trump spoke, PBS ran chyrons warning of violence and promoting the idea that his rhetoric could lead to violence.

This is just another example of the liberal media attempting to smear the president and his supporters while giving Biden and the left a pass. It’s also worth noting that while Biden’s Juneteenth remarks were largely ignored, Fox News covered Trump’s speech live.

While it’s possible that the “wannabe dictator” chyron was a mistake, the left’s reaction only highlights their bias and hypocrisy. Instead of calling for Fox to be silenced, perhaps they should take a look at their own coverage and hold themselves to the same standards they demand of others.

Source: Red State

Written by Staff Reports

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