
Mace Torches Haley on China: Trump is Our Only Salvation!

Republican Representative Nancy Mace of South Carolina didn't hold back last week when criticizing former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley for her alleged soft stance on China. Mace, a staunch supporter of former President Donald Trump's bid for the Republican presidential nomination, candidly expressed her concerns about Haley's purported connections to China.

In a video shared on X, Mace boldly stated, "Nikki Haley is China's favorite governor," prompting a chorus of boos from the audience. Unrelenting, she continued, suggesting that under Haley's leadership, South Carolina might engage in manufacturing spy balloons within the state.

According to The Hill, Mace further accused Haley of being overly accommodating to Communist China during her tenure as governor, alleging that she even gave away land for free. Mace didn't shy away from criticizing Haley's tax record, asserting, "Gov. Haley started out as an accountant, she went from doing people's taxes to raising people's taxes."

Mace left no room for ambiguity regarding her allegiance, affirming, "Donald Trump is the only man who can save America." With the upcoming Republican primary in South Carolina, Mace openly expressed her disdain for Haley, who remains Trump's primary challenger still in the race.

While acknowledging past support for Haley, Mace made it clear that circumstances had changed, stating, "This is a different race, and this is a different scenario." Her unwavering loyalty to Trump was evident, declaring confidently, "Trump is the only guy that can do this."

The article concluded with a call to action from the Deputy Managing Editor, urging readers to unite and fight for the 2024 election. The plea emphasized the need to combat the influence of Big Tech and leftist media, highlighting the crucial importance of the upcoming election and the necessity for solidarity.

The impassioned appeal underscored the urgency of exposing corruption, seeking truth, and ensuring a fair election for all Americans. It was a clear call for conservative readers to come together, supporting the cause to preserve the America they hold dear.





Written by Staff Reports

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