
Madame Web’s Woke Fiasco Bombs at Box Office: Go Woke, Go Broke Strikes Again

Marvel’s latest attempt at pushing woke nonsense onto the big screen with “Madame Web” crashed and burned faster than a rocket built by the left’s climate alarmists. The feminist-fueled flick stumbled out of the gate, making a mere $15.3 million during its opening weekend, a figure that even the most optimistic of social justice warriors couldn’t spin positively. With a bloated budget of $80 million, it’s clear that audiences are tired of being force-fed the woke agenda by Hollywood elites.

Both critics and normal, hard-working Americans were united in their disappointment at this cringeworthy attempt at diversity in superhero movies. The film’s abysmal 13% rating on Rotten Tomatoes left audiences wondering how the same studio that brought us the beloved Spider-Man could produce such woke drivel. Even Sony’s previous disaster, Morbius, managed to scrape together a slightly less humiliating 15% rating, showing just how far the standards have fallen in Tinseltown.

Not only did critics savage “Madame Web,” but regular moviegoers also gave it a lackluster C+ CinemaScore. This lukewarm reception indicates that the film is destined to be forgotten quicker than an email scandal from Hillary Clinton. Meanwhile, another film, Bob Marley: One Love, danced circles around this woke disaster at the box office, proving that audiences prefer entertainment over indoctrination any day of the week.

It’s no surprise that “Madame Web” failed to capture the hearts and wallets of movie buffs. Hollywood’s insistence on pushing woke narratives over quality storytelling and character development has finally caught up with them. Perhaps now they’ll realize that “go woke, go broke” isn’t just a catchy slogan – it’s a reality they can’t escape.

Marvel and Sony need to wake up and smell the coffee – or in their case, the bitter taste of a box office bomb. It’s high time they ditch the woke virtue signaling and focus on creating films that entertain and inspire, rather than alienate and divide. Until then, audiences will continue to vote with their wallets, sending a clear message that they’ve had enough of Hollywood’s woke antics.

Written by Staff Reports

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