
Maddow and Clinton’s NBC Giggle Fest Abandon Facts for Pranks!

Hillary Clinton made an appearance on Rachel Maddow’s show on MSNBC on Monday night, much to the dismay of conservative viewers everywhere. The only reason anyone knew about it was because of the diligent journalist Simon Ateba, who posted a nine-minute clip of their conversation. Brace yourselves, because watching this clip may be hazardous to your health.

Supposedly, Clinton was scheduled to discuss her new article in The Atlantic about loneliness being used as a weapon, but instead she couldn’t resist rubbing it in about Trump’s indictment and even had the audacity to express her sadness over a “former president…accused of these terribly important crimes.” Maddow and Clinton also managed to touch on the fragile state of our society when a presidential candidate is put behind bars, but conveniently skipped over any discussion of the First Amendment.

The fact that Maddow and Clinton can try to pass themselves off as intellectuals while completely ignoring the glaring unconstitutionality of Trump’s indictment is truly mind-boggling. It’s a classic case of liberal bias and spin, all done with a smug smile and a cackle.

But fear not, conservatives. Jennifer Van Laar, RedState’s Managing Editor, is here to provide a counterpoint to all this liberal nonsense. She’s a proud conservative from California, a sports fanatic, and a mom of three boys. She’s also a die-hard hockey fan, so you know she means business. Jennifer brings her unique perspective to the table and isn’t afraid to spill the tea on liberal media bias. You can follow her work on Facebook and Twitter, and catch her every Thursday on Salem Radio Network’s AM 590 The Answer for “Spill The Tea Thursday.”

So, don’t let MSNBC and their liberal cronies bring you down. Stay informed, stay strong, and don’t forget to hold on to your conservative values in the face of all this liberal propaganda.

Written by Staff Reports

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