
MAGA Inc Targets Kamala Harris for Alleged Biden Mental Decline Cover-Up

It seems the circus of politics is back in town, and ticket prices are steep. MAGA Inc., the pro-Trump super PAC that’s become synonymous with holding establishment feet to the fire, recently pointed a finger at Kamala Harris for what they call a “cover-up” of President Biden’s evident mental decline. The group took to X (the platform formerly known as Twitter) to make their case, and let’s just say they didn’t pull any punches. According to them, Harris flipped the script and tried to conceal the shortcomings of her boss, claiming he wasn’t up for the presidency while simultaneously running the show behind the scenes.

The accusations don’t just rest with vague insinuations; MAGA Inc. highlighted what they view as Harris’ dismal contributions to the administration, pointing to a border crisis that looks more like a leaky dam than a secure boundary, and inflation rates that have Americans questioning if they should keep the change from their last trip to the grocery store. The group drove the point home by sharing a clip of Harris parroting the line that Biden was “vibrant” and “in good health.” One can only imagine the eye rolls from folks watching that video as they grapple with the realities of their dwindling bank accounts.

Former President Trump didn’t miss a beat, chiming in with his take on Biden’s fitness—or rather, the lack thereof. In his trademark style, he lamented the circumstances that led to a man with a questionable grip on reality occupying the Oval Office. Trump’s proclamations highlight the chaos following Biden’s reign, where millions cross the border unchecked and inflation runs rampant. According to Trump, the media has been complicit in this grand seduction, allowing Biden to slip into the role without so much as a proper vetting.

On the legislative front, Senator Eric Schmitt from Missouri jumped into the fray, declaring that Biden’s time is up and he’s expired like yesterday’s lunch. Schmitt was clear that the disastrous policies aren’t just a national issue; they’ve infiltrated every aspect of American life, from the economy to foreign relations. He made it abundantly clear that Americans are craving fresh leadership—something the Democrats seem perpetually unable to provide.

Adding fuel to the fire, Schmitt argued that if Biden isn’t fit to run for re-election, then he certainly isn’t fit to serve in office. Strong words, but in an era of administration-blaming, they’re par for the course. What remains to be seen is whether there will be a reckoning or just more cover-ups and massaging of the narrative. In the age of social media and spinning tales, one thing is for certain: the next election cycle promises to be as tumultuous as riding a bull at a county fair.

Written by Staff Reports

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