
MAGA Momentum Goes Global: Trump Cheers Worldwide Populist Wins!

Former President Donald Trump recently spoke with Breitbart News about the global wave of victories for conservative populists. Trump proudly declared that the international populist conservative movement has only grown stronger since 2016, and he’s not wrong. From Argentina to Italy and beyond, it’s clear that the MAGA-Trump movement is in full swing around the world.

The most recent win for this movement came in Argentina, where newcomer Javier Milei nabbed the presidency. He even called Trump after his win to thank him for paving the way for his victory. Trump was tickled by Milei’s “Make Argentina Great Again” hats, a nod to Trump’s famous “Make America Great Again” slogan. It’s like a worldwide MAGA makeover!

This surge in conservative populism isn’t new. It’s been building since before Trump’s 2016 victory, with wins like the Brexit referendum and the rise of right-wing leaders in Guatemala and Austria. And now, it’s only getting stronger. With leaders like Italy’s Giorgia Meloni and the Netherlands’ Geert Wilders, the conservative wave is unstoppable.

Looking ahead to 2024, the momentum shows no signs of slowing down. Foreign Policy magazine even warned globalists that right-wing populism is set to sweep the West. With elections on the horizon in places like Portugal, Austria, and European Union representation, it’s clear that conservative movements are on the rise.

Despite these victories, Trump emphasized that his movement needs him at the helm. He pointed to his tough negotiations during his presidency and stressed that his aggressive approach is necessary to see his policies through. In other words, without a leader like Trump, conservative populism won’t have the same impact.


Written by Staff Reports

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