
Maine Supreme Court Ducks Decision on Trump’s Ballot Eligibility, Passing the Buck to Big Boys at SCOTUS

The Maine Supreme Court, in a disappointing and cowardly move, has decided to pass the buck and avoid making a decision on whether former President Donald Trump should be disqualified from appearing on the state’s ballot. Instead, they are waiting for the big boys at the Supreme Court to handle the matter. Can’t these justices make up their own minds? It’s like they’re afraid of making a clear and decisive ruling.

Democratic Secretary of State Shenna Bellows, not surprisingly, took it upon herself to declare that Trump is ineligible to be on the ballot based on some obscure section of the 14th Amendment. But thankfully, a state superior court judge had the common sense to put that ruling on hold. We need more judges like this who aren’t afraid to stand up against the overreach of power-hungry Democrats.

The fact that the United States Supreme Court will be hearing Trump’s appeal of a similar disqualification ruling by the Colorado Supreme Court just shows how ridiculous this whole situation is. It’s clear that there are forces at play trying to prevent Trump from ever being involved in politics again. It’s a blatant attack on his rights and an attempt to silence the voice of millions of Americans who support him.

The Maine Supreme Court’s decision to dismiss Bellows’ appeal is a slap in the face to the voters of Maine. The court claims that delaying a decision will cause “voter confusion,” but really, the only confusion here is why they can’t make a decision themselves. This is just another example of liberal judges shirking their responsibilities and passing the buck to someone else. It’s time for them to step up and do their job.

It’s also worth noting that the court’s decision comes at a time when Trump is facing a politically motivated indictment by special counsel Jack Smith. It’s clear that there are powerful forces working together to keep Trump out of the political arena. They know that he poses a real threat to the establishment and that’s why they are pulling out all the stops to undermine him.

In the end, this decision by the Maine Supreme Court is disappointing but not surprising. It’s just another example of the bias and double standards that exist in our justice system. The fight is far from over though, and we can only hope that the Supreme Court will see through these political games and uphold the rights of the American people. The stakes are high, and the future of our country hangs in the balance.

Written by Staff Reports

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Maine Supreme Court Ducks Responsibility, Leaves Fate of Trump Ballot Hanging

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