
Maine Supreme Court Ducks Responsibility, Leaves Fate of Trump Ballot Hanging

The Maine Supreme Court took the coward’s way out and refused to make a decision on whether Donald Trump should be disqualified from the state’s ballot. They conveniently deferred to the Supreme Court, thinking they could wash their hands clean of any responsibility. Typical liberal move, always passing the buck!

It all started when Democratic Secretary of State Shenna Bellows, probably with a personal vendetta against Trump, declared him ineligible to appear on the ballot. She cited some obscure section of the 14th Amendment, and expected everyone to just accept her decision. But thankfully, a state superior court judge had more sense and put a hold on her ruling.

Now, the United States Supreme Court will hear Trump’s appeal on February 8th, regarding a similar ruling in Colorado that disqualified him from the ballot there. It’s absurd how these liberal courts are so threatened by the former president that they’re trying to block him from running for office. They can try all they want, but Trump’s appeal will surely prevail. Justice will be served!

But, surprise, surprise, the Maine Supreme Court didn’t want to take a stand. They dismissed Bellows’ appeal, claiming it was “interlocutory” and that they needed a final judgment. Excuse me, but isn’t that what they’re there for? To make judgments and uphold the rule of law? It seems like they’re just trying to hide behind technicalities to avoid making a decision.

The court also mentioned the “irreparable harm” of voter confusion if Trump’s name is left off the ballot. Seriously? Voter confusion is the least of our worries. We should be more concerned about the confusion caused by liberal policies and the socialist agenda they’re pushing. Trump’s name on the ballot will bring clarity and common sense back to our political system.

In the end, legal experts believe that the Supreme Court will overturn the ruling from Colorado. And they better! We can’t let these liberal states dictate who gets to run for office and who doesn’t. The people should have the final say, not some elitist judges with an agenda.

It’s time for conservatives to unite and fight against this biased judicial system. We can’t let them silence our voices or prevent our chosen leaders from participating in our democratic process. Stand up for Trump! Stand up for freedom! And let’s make sure he’s back on the ballot, where he rightfully belongs!

Written by Staff Reports

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Maine Supreme Court Ducks Decision on Trump’s Ballot Eligibility, Passing the Buck to Big Boys at SCOTUS