
Mainstream Media Finally Admits: Biden’s Cognitive Decline Can’t Be Ignored!

NBC and CNN Suddenly Notice Biden’s Brain Freeze

It’s finally happening, folks. After years of turning a blind eye, mainstream media outlets like NBC and CNN have suddenly discovered the cognitive decline of President Joe Biden. Better late than never, right? These news giants, who once praised Biden as the second coming of competence and stability, are now scratching their heads and mumbling something about “concerning patterns” and “lack of mental sharpness.”

Conservative Americans have been pointing out Biden’s cognitive issues since the campaign trail, but they were dismissed as conspiracy theorists or worse. And let’s not even mention the Twitter mobs who viciously attacked anyone who suggested that maybe, just maybe, this man isn’t fit to run the country. But now that the president is regularly confusing Libya with Syria and losing track of his thoughts mid-sentence, it’s become a little too obvious to ignore, even for the media lapdogs.

Some NBC and CNN personalities are suddenly experts on geriatric medicine, pontificating on their shows about the “natural aging process” and hinting that Biden might need more “rest days.” They must be hoping that months of ignoring the issue will be conveniently forgotten by their audience. Yet, it’s amusing to witness the pivot from the old “Nothing to see here, folks,” to the current “Here’s a trending topic: Biden’s brain.” 


Social media is buzzing with Americans commenting on this newfound concern from the narrative-weaving networks. Online, people joke that if Biden’s cognitive decline had a dollar for every time it was mentioned pre-election, it could probably have funded Biden’s trillion-dollar infrastructure plan. Conservative readers are understandably skeptical, suspecting that the exposure is a strategic move rather than genuine reporting.

As mainstream media shifts its narrative gears, all eyes are on how the Biden administration will handle this evolving scrutiny. Will there be more teleprompters and fewer interviews, or will Dr. Jill Biden, acting as his handler, have to step up her game? Either way, it seems that the curtain is slowly being drawn back, revealing a president incapable of keeping up with the demands of his office. In the words of any capable conservative commentator, it’s about time.

Written by Staff Reports

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