
Majority of Voters Question Biden’s Cognitive Fitness After Debate: CBS Poll

A recent CBS News/YouGov poll revealed that a whopping 72% of registered voters have serious doubts about President Joe Biden’s mental and cognitive capacity to lead the country. This significant increase of seven points after the recent debate highlights the growing concerns among Americans about Biden’s ability to fulfill his presidential duties.

The poll results serve as a stark reminder of the widespread skepticism surrounding Biden’s fitness to remain in office. Notably, the survey marks one of the first post-debate polls that will surely be scrutinized by Democrat operatives and donors to assess the extent of the damage inflicted on Biden’s reelection prospects by his lackluster debate performance.

Among the key findings of the poll is the alarming revelation that even among Democrats, doubts about Biden’s mental and cognitive health have surged. A staggering 41% of Democrats now question Biden’s capacity to serve as president, a significant rise from just a few months ago.

Furthermore, the poll also indicates a growing sentiment among voters that Biden should not seek a second term in office. A substantial 72% of voters believe Biden should not run for reelection, with concerns ranging from his advanced age to his past decisions in office and his ability to effectively campaign.

The data shows that a considerable 45% of Democrats share the belief that Biden should step aside, aligning with previous polling results that reflect a significant portion of the party questioning Biden’s candidacy moving forward. With mounting apprehensions about Biden’s capabilities and future prospects, it seems the President may be facing an uphill battle to retain the trust and support of the American electorate.

The poll, conducted among 1,130 registered voters in late June, serves as a sobering reality check for the Biden administration, with a margin of error of ± 4.1 percent. As doubts continue to swirl around Biden’s leadership, the pressure mounts on the President to address concerns about his mental acuity and overall fitness to lead the nation.

Written by Staff Reports

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