
Man Wins Miss Netherlands 2023: Beauty Pageants Surrender to Transgender Agenda

In a shocking turn of events, a biological man has taken home the crown at the Miss Netherlands 2023 beauty pageant. Rikkie Valerie Kolle, a 22-year-old Dutch-Moluccan model and actress, has now earned the right to represent the Netherlands in the upcoming Miss Universe Pageant. But what does this mean for the world of beauty pageants?

As a conservative Republican news writer, the first question that comes to mind is: what does this biological man look like? Now, I’m not one to insult someone’s appearance, as it goes against my personal boundaries as a writer. I’ll leave it up to the individual readers to decide whether this win was truly deserved or not.

But here’s the thing – I’m not even mad about it. Sure, the actual women in the pageant may feel disenfranchised, working their whole lives to reach the top of the pageant world in their nation, only to have it taken away from them to cater to the whims of a man in a dress. But guess what? They don’t seem to mind. In fact, they’re ecstatic.

If these women are happy with the outcome, who am I to stand in their way? If they willingly accept being overshadowed by the transgender agenda, then why should I get all riled up about it? It’s not like they’re holding back their true feelings – they’re clapping, bouncing up and down, and wearing expressions of sheer joy. So, really, who am I to argue?

But here’s the real issue at hand. These women had an opportunity to take a stand against this insanity and they didn’t. They could have refused to compete, to show that they won’t be marginalized and stripped of their hard-earned achievements. But instead, they chose to prop up this circus act. And for that, I have no sympathy.

There comes a point where we have to draw the line. Whether it’s in sports or beauty pageants, if these women refuse to stand up and fight for fairness, then there’s not much the rest of us can do. Every contestant should have boycotted the pageant in solidarity. But they didn’t, and now they must face the consequences of their actions.

In the end, the Miss Netherlands 2023 pageant may have made history, but it has also exposed the willingness of some women to be trampled over by the transgender ideology. And for that, I can’t muster any sympathy or support.

Written by Staff Reports

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