
Mark Ruffalo Gets Busted: Fakes Trump Smear with AI Images!

Is Mark Ruffalo a liar, or simply clueless? That’s the burning question after the actor, who brought Bruce Banner/The Hulk to life in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, shared debunked images on social media that were created by artificial intelligence. It’s hard to imagine what other options there could be.

Ruffalo took to X on Thursday to share these images, conveniently ignoring the fact that fact-checker Lead Stories had already debunked them in an article back on May 9, 2023. Talk about being fashionably late to the party!

In his post, Ruffalo expressed his disdain by writing, “Gross. #MAGA wants to paint everyone on those flights as pedophiles except the one guy who smiles in a group of young girls all headed to Epstein’s ‘Fantasy Island’ with him. My bet is there are some decent Republicans left in America that may think this is going too far.”

Well, Mark, it seems like my bet would have been that there are some decent actors in Hollywood who can distinguish between reality and fantasy. But, hey, maybe Ruffalo has some insider information that we don’t. I wouldn’t put my money on it though.

Lead Stories had already questioned the authenticity of these images, asking, “Did old, never-before-seen photos surface in May of 2023 of Donald Trump posing with young women on a private jet, and also partying with Jeffrey Epstein?” The answer was a resounding “No, that’s not true.” The site explained that while there are real images of Trump with young women and Epstein, these particular photos lacked provenance and showed signs of being fabricated with an AI program.

It would have taken a simple Google search for Ruffalo to discover that these images were fake. But, alas, that would require him to venture outside the far-left echo chamber. I suppose that’s too tall a task for someone committed to their left-wing agenda. Let’s be fair, though; there are plenty on the right who struggle with that as well.

Thankfully, X saw through the charade. The only thing left to ponder is whether Ruffalo was incredibly naive to believe these images were authentic or if he knowingly shared them anyway. Is he just clueless or an outright liar? Place your bets, folks.

Written by Staff Reports

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