
Mass Shooter’s Mental Illness Ignored: Fix the System, Not Guns!

In the latest case of tragic violence, Robert Card has become yet another name on the long list of mass shooters with a history of mental illness. You see, folks, it’s like Groundhog Day with these stories. The shooter is always some mentally unstable individual who slipped through the cracks of our broken mental health system. It’s high time we start focusing on addressing the root causes of these heinous acts rather than pushing a gun control agenda.

Now, Card wasn’t exactly a stranger to law enforcement. During the manhunt for this deranged Army reservist, who had the audacity to call himself a trained firearm instructor, police were well aware of his troubled past. He kicked off his rampage by opening fire at Schemengees Bar and Grille, spreading mayhem wherever he went. Then, he moved on to Spare Time Recreation, also known as Just-in-Time bowling alley, leaving no doubt that he was determined to inflict as much devastation as possible.

But get this, folks. Card had spent two weeks in a mental health facility just a few months ago after hearing voices and making terrifying threats to shoot up a National Guard base. Yes, you heard that right. This man clearly had a history of severe mental illness, yet somehow, the system failed to prevent this tragedy. This is a perfect example of why we need to prioritize fixing our broken mental health system. We can’t keep ignoring the obvious signs before it’s too late.

And if that wasn’t enough, it turns out that local law enforcement had received information about Card’s violent tendencies as recently as September. Veiled threats were made against his base and fellow soldiers, and a statewide awareness alert was sent out to police across Maine to be on the lookout for this ticking time bomb. But what did they do? Increased patrols and even paid a visit to Card’s home, only to come up empty-handed. It’s like they weren’t even trying!

Yet, do you think the media establishment wants to discuss any of this? Of course not. They’d rather focus on their tired old narratives about guns and white dudes. They’ll do anything to push their gun control agenda, even if it means ignoring the crucial steps we should be taking to address mental health issues and prevent future tragedies. It’s truly disgraceful.

So, as more information comes to light, I have no doubt that we’ll discover this shooting was preventable. It’s time to stop blaming the inanimate objects and start holding accountable the individuals with severe mental illnesses who are slipping through the cracks of our broken system. Only then can we truly make a difference and ensure the safety of our communities.

Written by Staff Reports

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