
McCarthy Exits Congress, a Conservative Colossus to the End

Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy bid farewell to his constituents and colleagues in true conservative style on Thursday as he prepared to leave his role in Congress. Despite the disruptive end to his speakership in October, the longtime GOP leader remained steadfast and optimistic in his closing remarks.

McCarthy, known for his unwavering dedication to conservative principles, expressed his deep love for serving in Congress and took a moment to highlight the privilege of being among the few individuals granted the honor to serve in such a prestigious body. His retirement party on the House floor was filled with tributes from fellow Republicans, including Rep. Ken Calvert and Rep. Patrick McHenry, who served as an interim speaker after McCarthy’s ouster.

In his parting words, McCarthy proudly stood by his decisions as speaker, particularly his efforts to prioritize funding for the government and ensure that troops were duly compensated, despite facing constant threats to remove him from his leadership position. He remained resolute, urging his colleagues not to succumb to fear and emphasizing the importance of prioritizing freedom over job security.

Throughout his tenure in Congress, McCarthy, who has been a staunch advocate for securing the border and combatting crime, demonstrated a steadfast commitment to conservative values. He stood firm against attempts to weaken penalties for crimes such as carjacking and consistently put the well-being of the nation above political expediency.

As he bid farewell, McCarthy expressed his enduring faith in the nation and conveyed his gratitude for the opportunity to serve. His departure from Congress does not mark the end of his service to the nation, as he remains committed to upholding conservative principles and contributing to the welfare of the country.

With his unwavering dedication to conservative values and fearless leadership, McCarthy leaves behind a legacy that will undoubtedly inspire future generations of conservative leaders.

Written by Staff Reports

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