
McCarthy Exposes Biden’s Lies: Shock Hunter China Scandal Uncovered, AG Impeachment Looms

In a shocking interview, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy accused Joe Biden of lying about the former's son's business dealings in China. McCarthy referred to the allegations made by whistleblowers regarding the investigation of Hunter Biden, who was an IRS employee.

According to him, the House Republicans learned that the president had been lying after the whistleblowers had taken notes during the meetings. They asked David Weiss, the U.S. attorney, to come in and provide them with an answer on July 6. If these allegations are true, it could lead to an investigation into the actions of former Justice Department official, and current President, Merrick Garland.

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy stated that the House would investigate the appointment of Merrick Garland, the attorney general of Joe Biden. If the allegations are true, then the Attorney General would be impeached. He was involved in the IRS' investigation into the alleged tax crimes of Hunter Biden.

During a House hearing regarding the IRS' investigation of Biden's alleged tax crimes, Weiss, the US Attorney in Delaware, stated that he was not the one who would decide whether or not to charge the former official. According to Shapley, who testified during the hearing, the US Attorney for the District of DC refused to allow charges to be brought against Biden.

The revelation made by McCarthy, which he referred to as a huge blow to Biden's administration, shows how they tried to hide the details of Hunter Biden's business transactions. McCarthy's determination to uncover the truth is a testimony to his commitment to ensuring that Americans are held accountable.

Source: Daily Fetched

Written by Staff Reports

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