
McCarthy Ouster: Death Knell for GOP’s Nevada Reign? Survey Says…

The effects of the rare removal of former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) last week are still being felt outside of Washington, D.C. A new study, paid for by the Republican Main Street Partnership, Women2Women, and the Tarrance Group, shows that Nevada Republicans are worried about the future of the House GOP, which is trying to choose someone to replace McCarthy. It's not a surprise that people are worried about the GOP's ability to run the country and pass laws after firing their boss. Taking away the ship's captain in the middle of a storm and expecting everything to go well is like that. GOP, get it together!

A poll released on Thursday found that 68% of Nevada Republican primary voters believe that McCarthy's firing will affect the House GOP's ability to rule and pass laws in some way. They're not wrong either. What kind of legislation can a party that is split on successfully pass? It's clear that this move has made a lot of people doubt the Republican Party's security and ability to do its job.

To keep things stable, Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA), who will be the next speaker of the House, has a lot of work to do. He has to not only get his party to support him and give him the votes he needs to become speaker, but he also has to work with the Senate and his conference to pass the 12 spending bills that the government needs to stay open. But really, who needs a government that works?

However, since the Democrats run both the Senate and the White House, it looks like a deal will have to be made. Of course, this doesn't sit well with all Republicans, especially those who don't want to give money to Ukraine or raise government spending. However, most Nevada Republicans polled (76%) actually want Republicans to work with Democrats to find answers that work for both parties. They should finally understand that compromise, not stubborn resistance, is what it takes to run a government.

If the Republican Party wants to be taken seriously, this study shows that it needs to get its act together. Most Nevada GOP primary voters think that the removal of Speaker McCarthy shows that the government is broken and unable to run smoothly. They're not wrong either. These public shows of chaos only help Democrats' points of view and hurt Republicans in close races. The GOP needs to find security and leadership soon if they want to have a chance to win the next election.

Written by Staff Reports

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