
McConnell’s Secret Border Bill: Cozy Deals & Betrayal of American Workers!

In this episode of “Mitch Being Mitch,” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is up to his old antics again. McConnell reportedly exerts pressure on Republican senators to pledge support for a "secret" border measure prior to its release for public debate. Are you able to trust it? Regarding Senate Democrats, Mitch McConnell is an expert at collapsing like a cheap suit, according to anyone familiar with the senator.

McConnell, according to reliable sources, is maintaining strict control over the measure until he obtains the support of at least 20 of the 49 Republican senators. Even minor modifications to the measure would not deter him from attempting to reach that magical figure. An epitome of unscrupulous political behavior.

Furthermore, that is not all. The Senate Committee on Appropriations is also reviewing the draft measure, as the Biden administration has requested an enormous $15 billion for its migration program in 2024. Do you not realize what that money covers? Its purpose is to shelter, feed, house, process, and conceal the 6.2 million migrants that have already been admitted as well as the incoming migrants in 2024. Essentially, it serves as a slush fund to purchase the support of senators who have not yet endorsed the measure.

However, it should be noted that not every Republican supports McConnell's clandestine border policy. A minority, but not the vast majority, is expressing opposition to it. They recognize that this legislation will saturate the labor market with low-cost immigrant laborers who will undercut American workers. It is a betrayal of the already impoverished American people who are striving to make ends meet. Furthermore, this violates the fundamental tenet of maintaining secure borders.

Senators Mike Lee and Rand Paul are among the courageous individuals who are not afraid to call out McConnell and his followers. Even Tucker Carlson's program featured Paul in an effort to expose the truth. He noted that fifty percent of the Republican caucus is willing to compromise genuine border reform in return for increased tax revenue being sent to Ukraine. It is completely abhorrent.

Lee concurred with Paul that they have previously experienced this particular song and dance routine. They are expected to vote on an agreement without even having read it, despite being assured that none has yet been reached. People, this is Congress at its finest.

Consequently, why do Republicans continue to yield to Democrats, irrespective of their majority or minority status? In any case, it is a combination of apprehension regarding the influence of left-wing media and a dearth of resolve. Consequences persist annually from the House of Representatives regarding their failure to defend conservative principles.

But let us not forget about Rand Paul, a fellow Kentuckian and McConnell. He is not remaining silent regarding this matter. His opposition to increasing financial assistance to Ukraine is strong, and he finds it abhorrent that the Biden administration intends to allow 5,000 illegal aliens to enter the country daily before granting Biden the authority to deport them. I would say that the current baseline is, to put it mildly, untenable.

This day represents yet another in the never-ending narrative surrounding Mitch McConnell and his dubious strategies. More Republican senators mustering the fortitude to oppose him and defend the American people; this is all that can be hoped for. Their prioritization of constituent requirements and the disregard for political considerations should come to an end immediately. Nevertheless, I will not hold my breath.

Written by Staff Reports

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