
Media Chase on Cunning WH Deflections Over Biden Family Ties Uncovered!

The media is going after the White House for their shifting answers regarding Hunter and Joe Biden’s communications. The White House has been trying to downplay Joe Biden’s involvement in his son’s foreign business dealings for years, claiming that he never spoke to his son about his business. However, this is clearly false, as there is evidence of phone calls and meetings between the two. Despite the evidence, the White House continues to deny Joe Biden’s involvement.

On Monday, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre tried to change the narrative by claiming that Joe Biden was “never in business with his son.” However, this contradicts her previous statements that he had “never spoken” to his son about his business. When questioned further about the new report alleging that Joe Biden was on the phone during business meetings, Jean-Pierre refused to deny it.

On Wednesday, reporters again confronted Jean-Pierre about the changing language/answer. She maintained that “nothing has changed,” despite the clear inconsistencies. When asked directly if Joe Biden had discussions with his son, Jean-Pierre dodged the question and said she had nothing to “add” from Monday.

It is frustrating that the media cannot get clear answers from the White House. Hunter Biden is still under investigation for potential FARA violations, and the White House is trying to avoid answering important questions. The language may have changed from “no knowledge” to “no involvement,” but the evidence suggests otherwise. Joe Biden is clearly involved in his son’s business dealings, whether he likes to admit it or not. The White House’s attempts to spin the narrative are not fooling anyone.

Written by Staff Reports

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