
Media Elites Stunned by Trump’s Persistent Appeal to Voters

It seems that Washington’s elite media correspondents have launched themselves into a dizzying spiral of confusion over Donald Trump’s enduring popularity. This week, the likes of Max Boot, Jonathan Capehart, and Mark Leibovich bemoaned the fact that a substantial portion of America views Trump not just as a viable candidate but as a political savior. This triumvirate of journalists is left scratching their heads, attempting to navigate a landscape where tens of millions not only get Trump but actually support him.

Max Boot finds himself completely flabbergasted by the folks rallying behind Trump, whom he regards as a “delusional maniac.” In Boot’s mind, it’s downright incomprehensible that so many Americans would consider electing an individual he deems so out of touch with “reality.” Meanwhile, Jonathan Capehart echoes Boot’s bewilderment, adding his own brand of dismay to the equation. If one didn’t know any better, they might think these journalists just stepped out from a tunnel with no understanding of the sentiments that resonate across middle America.

Mark Leibovich took his turn on MSNBC, labeling Trump as a “larger stain on our history.” It’s fascinating that journalists who often write chapters on civics are so utterly baffled by the very democracy they report on. Leibovich expressed horror at the notion that Trump operates within a “permission structure” of the GOP, indicating he fears a future where Trump wields unchecked power. This declaration reveals a disconnect, as the media elite fail to grasp that many see Trump’s willingness to challenge the status quo not as a stain, but as a refreshing divergence from politics-as-usual.

To add a cherry on top of this absurdity, Boot highlighted the “coin-flip” nature of the upcoming presidential elections, labeling it alarming that Trump remains a leading candidate. Rather than searching for insights among those they’ve dismissed as “deplorables,” these pundits surround themselves in a bubble of shock, believing they are somehow removed from the sentiments that fuel Trump’s support. The key question, however, is why they are so surprised when it’s they who stand out of touch with the average American’s concerns and frustrations.

Brent Baker from the Media Research Center aptly crystallizes the issue, observing that these “veteran journalists” harbor disdain for their fellow citizens. The focus needs to shift away from the predictable outbursts of clueless commentators like Boot and Capehart, and the media should recognize that the voters they scorn are not just votes; they represent a movement eager for change. Instead of condemning those who stand in support of Trump, perhaps it would be more productive for these media figures to reflect on the reasons behind this widespread appeal. If they continue to overlook the voices of millions, it will come as no surprise when they find themselves perpetually disoriented—like children lost in a candy store, perplexed by the very existence of sweets they cannot comprehend.

Written by Staff Reports

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