
Media Spins Sympathy for Would-be Trump Assassin Ignoring Red Flags

Once again, the Left-leaning media finds itself spinning webs of sympathy for a young man who attempted to harm former President Donald Trump—a move that’s about as baffling as asking Hillary Clinton for email security tips. Thomas Crooks, the wanna-be assassin, didn’t just wake up on the wrong side of the bed; he has a history that screams deluded arrogance and unhinged Trump hatred.

Vincent Taormina, a Hispanic classmate, recalls a heated conversation from 2016 when Crooks questioned how a Hispanic could support Trump. According to Taormina, Crooks was an insufferable know-it-all, trying to masquerade his contempt under the guise of intellectual superiority. This is the “genius” who thought he was too smart to follow the rules and too enlightened to accept differing political opinions. Classic snowflake behavior, if you ask conservative America.

While the FBI claims to be scratching their heads over Crooks’ motives, it doesn’t take a brain surgeon to figure it out. Crooks wasn’t just anti-Trump; he was a walking liberal manifesto with legs. Taormina recounts that Crooks was notoriously vocal about his disdain for politicians, using every opportunity to belittle those around him who didn’t share his views. Wonder how many LinkedIn posts he made about social justice?

To add a cherry on this irony sundae, his close knit of friends—the kind who threatened to shoot up the school—weren’t exactly winning any awards for “Most Likely to Contribute Positively to Society”. With friends like these, it’s a miracle Crooks didn’t get a tutor in jailhouse lawyering. Taormina remembers the chaos when these threats came to light, with everyone pointing fingers at Crooks and his merry band of misfits.

And yet, despite this trail of red flags brighter than a MAGA rally, nobody seemed to notice. Crooks wasn’t bullied; he was smug, arrogant, and completely unnoticed because the system has apparently been looking the other way. The Left would have folks believe he was just a misunderstood, pensive soul, but Taormina rightly questions how both parents working as counselors missed every single alarming sign.

For those yearning for justice or at least common sense, it’s time to take off the blinders. The signs were neon-bright: a young, arrogant liberal with known threats, surrounded by a circus of likeminded anarchists. And yet, nobody acted. If this doesn’t make a person doubt the leftist agenda, nothing will.

Written by Staff Reports

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