
Megyn Kelly Dives Deep into the Patriotic Popularity of ‘Rich Men North of Richmond’

Megyn Kelly, the fearless and outspoken journalist, has praised Oliver Anthony’s latest song, “Rich Men North of Richmond,” for giving a much-needed voice to the frustration and resentment felt by countless Americans towards the government. The song’s powerful lyrics, which criticize politicians and their law-breaking antics, strike a chord with those who witness the corrupt elites sitting comfortably while ordinary citizens suffer the consequences.

As President Joe Biden and his son Hunter face increasing scrutiny over their alleged shady foreign business dealings, the timing of Anthony’s song couldn’t be more perfect. Kelly, on her podcast, took the opportunity to discuss Hunter Biden’s problematic past, dismissing the tired excuse of drug addiction that is often used to explain away his questionable actions. She rightfully pointed out that drug addicts don’t usually have direct access to the vice president and multimillion-dollar deals that line their pockets. It’s about time people wake up to the truth and stop making excuses for those in power.

Renowned former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, who recently appeared as a guest on Kelly’s podcast, drew a powerful comparison between Anthony’s song and Jason Aldean’s “Try That In A Small Town,” another hit among conservatives. Gingrich highlighted how both songs capture the prevailing sense of alienation many Americans feel towards their leaders. Trust in our nation’s leadership is at an all-time low, and it’s artists like Anthony who are fearlessly speaking the truth in a way we rarely see.

Gingrich points out that this ability to connect with the alienated is what made Donald Trump so popular. Trump may have had his flaws, but at least he stood up and fought for the millions of Americans who felt ignored and left behind by the establishment. Anthony’s song is a rallying cry for those same individuals, reminding them that their voices matter and their frustrations are valid.

Since dropping his powerful anthem on YouTube, Anthony, a proud resident of Farmville, Virginia, has garnered an astonishing 10 million views and an impressive 560,000 likes. The song’s lyrics make it clear that the rich men in question are the politicians in Washington, D.C., who seek total control and disregard the plight of ordinary citizens. With lines like “your dollar ain’t s***, and it’s taxed to no end ’cause of rich men north of Richmond,” Anthony pulls no punches in expressing the frustration and anger felt by so many.

Anthony’s undeniable talent and ability to capture the public’s attention were on full display during his electrifying live performance. In front of a massive crowd, he gave a stunning rendition of “Rich Men North of Richmond,” which was also streamed on Rumble and viewed by over 100,000 people. This young artist is clearly making waves and resonating with the millions of Americans who are fed up with the status quo.

Written by Staff Reports

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