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Mel Gibson’s Savage Trump Support Leaves Kamala’s I.Q. in the Dust

In a world where political correctness reigns supreme, it seems Kamala Harris is a new and brilliant star on the Democratic stage—if that stage accommodates low IQ performances. Recently, Hollywood icon Mel Gibson stirred controversy by claiming Harris has the intelligence of a fence post. Yes, you read that correctly: a fence post. Who knew yard decor could serve as a metaphor for political candidates?

The Vice President’s latest antics were on display when she awkwardly entered a room full of her supporters, who were clearly instructed to clap for her, much like teaching toddlers to cheer for their chosen superhero. Spoiler alert: they didn’t. It appeared that applause was as hard to come by as Harris’s coherent thoughts. When she spoke about children in the community, her speech was a jumbled mess of buzzwords that left everyone wondering if she was a politician or someone reading a script they barely understood.

The hypocrisy in the Democratic Party runs deep, and Harris seems to be the poster child for it. Many have pointed out that she got into law school with questionable qualifications, thanks to a program designed to help students from disadvantaged backgrounds. Nonetheless, her backstory doesn’t entirely align with the narrative, as both her parents were university professors—definitely not your average story of overcoming hardship. And let’s not forget her history with the bar exam, which she failed on her first attempt. How did that escape the media’s relentless scrutiny?

If one needs more proof of Harris’s lack of intelligence, one can look to her many gaffes caught on tape. Her slip-ups are so frequent that you might think she’s running for the role of “world’s least effective teleprompter reader.” It’s almost like her speeches are a game show, with viewers guessing when she’ll finally land on something resembling a well-thought-out point. But wait, as they say, there’s more. Gibson also exuberantly declared his support for Donald Trump, causing proverbial left-leaning heads to explode.

It’s like watching a poorly scripted drama unfold—the Democrats losing their cool while conservatives chortle in glee. When a Hollywood star like Mel Gibson laughs off a question about his voting choice and effortlessly tears down Harris, it’s a significant development. After all, it’s not every day that a film legend decides to throw around some political verbiage while making a subtle nod to Harris’s capabilities. And let’s be honest, who would disagree that comparing her intelligence to a fence post is putting it kindly? C’mon, fence posts have been holding it together for ages!

As the political theater unfolds, one can’t help but wonder what the future holds for Kamala Harris. Will she remain a fixture of the Democratic Party, or will she fade into the background like a poorly remembered sequel? Only time will tell, but the memes and comments will certainly keep coming. So grab your popcorn, folks—it will be an entertaining ride.

Written by Staff Reports

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