
Melania’s $155K Payout: Liberals Cry Grift, We Applaud Success

Former First Lady Melania Trump recently made headlines for receiving a generous six-figure payout from one of her husband’s super PACs, and boy, oh boy, are the liberal critics having a field day with this one! According to The New York Times, Donald Trump himself filed a document last week that revealed Melania received a whopping $155,000 from the Make America Great Again, Again PAC in December of 2021. Now, before we jump to conclusions, let’s break this down for our readers and add a dash of common sense to the mix.

Now, according to the filing, the money was paid to the “Designer’s Management Agency,” a company that Melania happens to be a client of. However, the clever folks at the Make America Great Again, Again PAC claimed that this was not just a payment for some fancy speaking engagement. No, no, no! They insist that it was actually an “event planning and consulting” fee. Well, let’s give them the benefit of the doubt, shall we? Planning events and consulting sounds like important work, and who better to do it than Melania Trump?

Of course, any excuse to attack the Trumps is a good one for the liberal media and their cronies. The New York Times was quick to jump on this news, throwing around accusations of “grifting” and raising eyebrows about the shutdown of the Make America Great Again, Again PAC in 2022. But let’s not forget that the former treasurer of the PAC, Charles Gantt, made it crystal clear that they had followed all the rules and obligations. So, can we please give the Trumps a break?

It’s not just the media who pounced on this opportunity to bash Melania, though. Conservative commentator Ann Coulter sarcastically tweeted her disapproval, labeling the payment as a “grift.” And even some fellow Republicans couldn’t resist taking a jab at the former first lady. Former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson, who is apparently vying for the “Most Determined to Bash Trump” award, criticized Donald’s behavior and insisted that political leaders should be focused on enriching everyday Americans. Oh, Governor Hutchinson, spare us the sanctimony!

But wait, there’s more! Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie couldn’t resist chiming in with his own snarky comment. He threw shade at the Trumps by stating, “There’s grifting, and then there’s Trump grifting. Undisputed champs.” Really, Mr. Christie? Are we really going to ignore the fact that the average American makes nowhere near the sum Melania received? Maybe it’s time for you to zip it and let the Trumps enjoy their well-deserved success.

It’s truly amazing how the liberal media and their allies will latch onto any opportunity to attack conservatives. Whether it’s Melania Trump receiving a payment for her hard work or the shutdown of a PAC, they’ll twist the facts, spin the narrative, and throw around accusations of “grifting” without a second thought. But we know better, don’t we? Let’s not fall for their biased agenda. Melania Trump is a talented and accomplished woman who deserves recognition for her contributions. Keep shining, Melania!

Written by Staff Reports

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