
Meta AI Covers Up Trump Assassination Attempt, But Promotes Kamala Harris Campaign

In a twist that sounds more like a poorly scripted political thriller than real life, Meta’s AI recently found itself in hot water over its reluctance to acknowledge an assassination attempt on Donald Trump. Until late Sunday, the infamous artificial intelligence, under the watchful eye of Mark Zuckerberg, was parroting the line that there was no assassination attempt on the former president. Meanwhile, it had no problem rolling out the red carpet of information regarding Vice President Kamala Harris and her shiny new campaign plans. It’s almost as if the AI is doing its best impression of a biased liberal journalist.

Initially, when users posed questions about the attempted assassination from July 13, Meta AI remained tighter-lipped than an overzealous press secretary. It responded with a classic “I can’t assist with that,” as if the question was about knitting patterns rather than a grave security concern facing a former president. Screenshots of the interaction were shared widely, showcasing this digital entity’s selective memory. Claiming it lacks access to the latest information feels less like a programming glitch and more like a calculated act of censorship.

For those with a masochistic curiosity about the mundane, the AI did eventually acknowledge that Trump has faced security threats over the years, dishing out tales from 2016 to 2020. However, when it came to the actual incident, the AI still hesitated, leaving the audience scratching their heads. In stark contrast, questions regarding the well-timed campaign launch of Kamala Harris brought an avalanche of details. Apparently, Meta AI has its priorities straight: downplaying a serious event while puffing up the latest in Democratic power moves.

Under scrutiny, the AI finally caved in and offered a detailed account of the assassination attempt that it had previously ignored. This included the unfortunate details of Trump being shot in the ear during a campaign rally, a detail that sounds like it was snatched straight from a surveillance report. Notably, the shooter was taken out by the Secret Service, which is a reminder of their unwavering commitment to protecting the president, even while Meta struggles to protect the truth.

The failure of tech giants like Meta and Google to keep their narratives consistent is troubling. Google, for example, has masterfully avoided suggesting anything relating to Trump’s assassination attempt while serving up autocomplete options revolving around historical figures like Truman and Reagan. Is it any wonder that people are starting to question whether these platforms are merely tools of propaganda? This questionable behavior of tech companies has become increasingly evident as they navigate through partisan waters, leading many to suspect that there is far more under the surface than just malware.

These incidents serve as a wake-up call that the digital landscape is not as unbiased as it claims to be. As conservative voices continue to be muted in various forums, it’s essential to demand transparency, especially when discussing something as serious as an attempted assassination on a former president. If a sophisticated AI can bungle high-stakes political information while remaining up-to-date on the latest from Kamala Harris, perhaps it’s time for a reboot – of both the AI and the people who control it.

Written by Staff Reports

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