
Michelle Obama’s Silence on Israeli Women’s Plight Exposes Hypocrisy

Former First Lady Michelle Obama is once again under fire, and this time it’s for her refusal to stand up for Israeli women who have been victims of a brutal Hamas attack. Minister for the Advancement of the Status of Women of Israel, May Golan, reached out to Obama, hoping to elicit some support and condemnation for the sexual violence Israeli women are facing. But instead of speaking out against this horrifying brutality, Obama remained silent.

It’s truly disheartening to see someone who once held such a prominent position in the United States show such disregard for the suffering of innocent women. This is the same Michelle Obama who spoke publicly against Boko Haram and called for the return of the kidnapped girls. Yet, when it comes to the women of Israel, she had nothing to say. It’s a clear double standard that reeks of bias and hypocrisy.

Golan bravely shared her interaction with Obama on Israel’s Channel 14, revealing that despite approaching her directly, Obama refused to condemn the Oct. 7 massacre. Golan even provided detailed, sworn testimonies about the heinous acts committed against Israeli women, including the collection of severed female organs. And still, Obama maintained her silence.

We expect better from our leaders, especially someone like Michelle Obama, who has always positioned herself as an advocate for women’s rights. But it seems that her political agenda takes precedence over the real suffering of women in Israel. It’s a shame that even in the face of such atrocities, Obama chooses to remain silent.

This is not the first time the Obamas have faced criticism for their handling of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Just last month, former President Obama encouraged Israel to show restraint in dealing with Hamas, essentially undermining their efforts to protect their citizens. It’s a clear sign that Obama’s sympathies lie more with the terrorists than with the innocent victims.

It’s high time for Michelle Obama and her husband to step up and condemn the violence against Israeli women. Our leaders should not be afraid to speak out against acts of terrorism and sexual violence, regardless of the political implications. The people of Israel deserve the support and solidarity of the United States, and it’s deeply disappointing to see the Obamas failing in this regard.

Written by Staff Reports

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