
Michigan High Court Crushes Libs, Trump Stays on Ballot!

In a blow to Michigan’s liberal agenda, the state’s Supreme Court has smacked down an attempt to remove the beloved former President Donald Trump from the ballot for the upcoming primary. The court rejected an appeal based on the Constitution’s “Insurrection Clause,” which is a fancy way of saying that some sore losers tried to play dirty and got shut down.

The Michigan Supreme Court stood up for common sense and upheld the decision that Trump can stay on the ballot. The court basically said, “Nice try, but no dice!” to the desperate attempt to paint Trump as some kind of insurrectionist. The three-judge panel in the Court of Appeals saw right through the left’s scheme and unanimously shut down their argument, calling it premature.

The Michigan Supreme Court didn’t even entertain the idea of Trump being an insurrectionist. They just shut down the whole appeal because it was a waste of time. That’s right, the court said that this whole charade has nothing to do with Trump’s placement on the primary ballot. 

Justice Elizabeth Welch set the record straight, saying there’s no law in Michigan that requires someone running for president to prove they’re qualified for the job. It’s just good ol’ common sense, folks. The Court of Appeals’ ruling still leaves the door open for more legal shenanigans later down the road  – Trump is gonna be the nominee, and the left won’t know what hit ’em when he’s back in the Oval Office in 2024.

Over in Colorado, the Supreme Court there seems to have forgotten what the First Amendment is all about. They claim that Trump’s speech on January 6th wasn’t protected by the First Amendment, and they’re trying to label him as an insurrectionist. 

Trump and his legal team aren’t backing down. They’re taking the fight to the U.S. Supreme Court, and they’ve got the right kind of confidence that only true winners possess. Trump’s lawyer, Alina Habba, is calling out the left-leaning justices in Colorado, telling them they’re out of their league and the U.S. Supreme Court will set them straight. 

Michigan’s Supreme Court came through for Trump, and the left’s antics are no match for the legal powerhouse that is Trump’s team. 

Written by Staff Reports

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