
Michigan Justices Ride to Trump’s Rescue, Keep 2024 Hope Alive

The Michigan Supreme Court has swooped in to save the day for former President Donald Trump, batting away liberal attempts to keep him off the 2024 primary ballot. This ruling brings Michigan into the exclusive club of seven states that are refusing to buckle under the weight of liberal pressure and let Trump have a fair shot at the election circus. It’s like the Supreme Court found a golden ticket in a chocolate bar – except it’s for Trump’s name on the ballot, not a tour of a whimsical chocolate factory.

The decision also comes in the wake of the Colorado Supreme Court’s snubbing of Trump, which claimed that the 14th Amendment’s Section 3, which prevents those involved in an insurrection from holding office, should sideline Trump due to his involvement in contesting the 2020 election certification. But hold onto your cowboy hat, because the Michigan ruling has thrown a big ol’ wrench in that plan, joining the parade of courts rejecting the attempts to disqualify Trump. Yeehaw!

Some legal folks, like Jonathan Turley and Josh Blackman, are pointing out that the Colorado case was like a lone tumbleweed blowing in the wind, as other courts are stepping back from the idea of giving Trump the boot from the ballot. As if to say, “Sorry, partner, but this town ain’t big enough for your disqualification attempts.”

In a hootin’ and hollerin’ 6-1 verdict, the Michigan justices made it clear that they weren’t buying what the desperate Democrats were selling. Justice Elizabeth M. Welch, the lone Democrat, tried to throw a lasso around the issue, reasoning that the state’s Supreme Court should have issued a decision on the merits. But the majority of the justices were like, “Not today, partner, we’re movin’ on.”

When the news hit the wire, Trump took to Truth Social, his very own digital corral, to let out a victory holler, patting the Michigan Supreme Court on the back for giving the old heave-ho to the “desperate Democrat attempt” to strip him from the 2024 Presidential Election ballot. He even threw in a jab at those “pathetic gambit” folks who failed miserably across the country, like a cowboy who wrangled a rebellious calf.

But that ain’t all, folks. The Minnesota Supreme Court also brushed off a similar case, saying they couldn’t rain on the state party’s parade by keeping Trump off the ballot. And it ain’t just Michigan and Minnesota riding in to save the day. States like Rhode Island, West Virginia, Florida, and Arizona are all planting their boots firmly in the ground, defying challenges to keep Trump in the running.

But wait—it ain’t over ’til the fat lady sings. Trump’s legal team is gearing up to appeal the Colorado decision to the U.S. Supreme Court, hopin’ to wrangle a favorable outcome. Legal experts are placing their bets, jerking their thumbs toward the justices, anticipatin’ that they’ll saddle up and take on the matter.

So, with all these legal wranglings and wild showdowns, one thing’s for sure: Trump ain’t ready to ride off into the sunset just yet. Even with the dust kicked up around him, the former president is standing tall, ready to take on the political rodeo, indictments be darned. Yeehaw!

Written by Staff Reports

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