
Michigan’s House Targets Free Speech: Hurting Feelings Now Criminal?

In a shocking move, the Michigan House of Representatives has passed a bill that would make it illegal to intentionally hurt someone's emotions. The proposed law and adopted amendment state that speech that causes another person "severe mental anguish" will be deemed a criminal offense. This is a ridiculously subjective and ambiguous law that could be easily abused by unscrupulous prosecutors. It prioritizes the feelings of individuals over the fundamental tenet of American democracy, the right to free expression.

Pastors or students who refuse to use a person's "preferred" pronouns could be charged with a crime if they cause emotional distress. The proposed law provides for either incarceration or a "diversion" program for offenders. However, the mandated community service for the program is akin to a speech re-education camp. This is a precedent that harkens back to authoritarian regimes and is therefore hazardous.

It is concerning that Democrats appear unconcerned about criminalizing speech they dislike. This is an obvious violation of the First Amendment, which protects freedom of speech. The Supreme Court has provided much-needed guidance on what constitutes protected speech, and it is imperative that these precedents be upheld in order to defend our liberties.

Undoubtedly, this unconstitutional law will be challenged in court, and it is highly unlikely to withstand constitutional scrutiny. Our democracy depends on the prioritization of free expression over the feelings of individuals. It is time for the authorities of Michigan to recognize the significance of the First Amendment and the need to defend it.

Written by Staff Reports

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