
Middle Schoolers Crush LGBT Agenda: Patriotic Pride Triumphs Over Woke Insanity

In the latest example of liberal overreaction, a group of heroic middle schoolers at Marshall Simonds Middle School in Burlington, Massachusetts stood up to the radical LGBT agenda being pushed by the school administration. The students courageously rebelled against a Pride Month event by chanting “My pronouns are USA” and wearing patriotic clothing in recognition of their love for their country. They even went so far as to destroy rainbow decorations, which can be seen as a symbolic protest against identity politics and the culture of victimhood that it embodies.

Of course, the left-wing media went into meltdown mode over this act of bravery, calling for these young patriots to be punished for simply expressing their First Amendment right to free speech. But why is it that saying “USA” and embracing traditional values is now considered controversial? Why are parents of LGBTQ students trying to force their beliefs on everyone else rather than using this as a teachable moment to learn how to respect diverse opinions? Instead, they want to punish these students for simply expressing their beliefs.

As always, the liberal media is trying to gin up controversy where none exists. The school board members who were “shocked” by this incident need to get out of their ivory towers and spend some time in the real world. These students were exercising their right to free speech and expressing themselves in a peaceful and respectful manner. They should be praised for their patriotism and bravery, not punished for daring to stand up to the LGBT mob.

In closing, let’s remember that these are just kids who are still learning and growing. We should encourage their curiosity and celebrate their free expression, even if we don’t always agree with them. We cannot let the left-wing agenda silence individuals who dare to have different opinions. We need to continue the fight to protect our values and the values of our country against the radical left.

Written by Staff Reports

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