
Mills Caught Red-Handed: Tax Dollars Funneling to Migrant Luxury Pads?

The Republican party in Maine is making a bold accusation against Democratic Governor Janet Mills – they claim she’s been sneakily using taxpayer dollars to provide housing and other benefits to migrants. According to the GOP lawmakers, the state figures reveal that more than $33 million from the Emergency Housing Relief Fund has been used to provide housing for migrants, diverting vital resources away from local Mainers in need.

Senate Majority Leader Trey Stewart didn’t hold back, expressing his outrage at the situation. He highlighted the disparity, pointing out that rural Mainers are being asked to make do with less while luxurious accommodations are being arranged for non-residents in urban areas. He characterized it as building “Taj Mahals” for people who aren’t even citizens of Maine.

House Minority Leader Billy Bob Faulkingham chimed in, alleging that taxpayer money is being slyly diverted from urgent needs as Mainers struggle to find emergency housing. Faulkingham stressed the importance of transparency, stating that taxpayers have the right to know how their money is being utilized and denouncing the covert actions as unacceptable.

The Republican lawmakers brought attention to specific instances of migrant spending, such as the allocation of $14 million for a hotel in Saco to accommodate around 85 migrant families, and $5.3 million for a migrant shelter in Portland. Stewart labeled these figures as “alarming” and launched a scathing attack on the Mills administration for its handling of the situation.

Moreover, the Republicans referenced a 2019 economic development plan that outlined the need to add 75,000 people to the workforce by 2030, with a focus on attracting college-educated immigrants. They criticized the focus on “welcoming” college-educated immigrants and the creation of an “Office of New Americans” to support the integration of asylum seekers and other immigrants into the workforce and community. Faulkingham condemned these policies, accusing the state of prioritizing migrants over Mainers and burdening taxpayers with the cost of accommodating new arrivals.

To top it off, the Republicans pointed the finger at Democratic President Joe Biden, attributing the surge in asylum seekers to his “open border” policies with Mexico. They linked Biden’s immigration policies to the strain on emergency housing and social service programs in Maine, the negative impact on the state’s tourist economy, and the increase in fentanyl-related overdose deaths. Faulkingham insisted that Maine is not shielded from the repercussions of Biden’s border policy.

In response, a Mills spokesperson cited legal obligations requiring the state to provide temporary housing and public assistance for migrants awaiting federal work authorization. However, the Republican accusations against Governor Janet Mills and her administration stand firm, painting a stark picture of alleged misuse of taxpayer funds for migrant accommodation at the expense of local Mainers in need.

Written by Staff Reports

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