
Moore Strikes Again: Delivering Justice, Fair and Square!

In a recent opinion piece on, Susie Moore discusses the importance of fairness in various aspects of life, including elections. Moore emphasizes the desire for fairness in deals, games, sporting events, and justice, and states that elections should be no exception. She acknowledges that everyone wants their preferred candidates and stances to prevail, but argues that it’s crucial for the outcome to be fair and square.

Moore mentions the different avenues available for addressing unfairness, such as referees, instant replay, courts, higher courts, and the court of public opinion. She emphasizes the need for confidence in the fairness of election results and questions what should be done when that confidence is lacking. Who should people appeal to in order to fix any perceived unfairness?

Adding her own conservative editorial opinion, Moore asserts that she can accept losing if it happens fair and square. However, she also implies that there may be instances where losing feels unfair, leading to the need for a solution.

Overall, Susie Moore’s article highlights the importance of fairness in elections and raises important questions about what can be done when that fairness is in doubt.

Written by Staff Reports

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