
MSNBC Fearmonger Dr. Patel: Masks Back In School, Despite Science!

It’s like déjà vu all over again, as MSNBC trots out their trusty medical contributor, Dr. Kavita Patel, to preach about COVID-19 precautions. Seriously, can’t they find anyone with a fresh perspective? But hey, when it comes to fear-mongering and pushing an agenda, they know exactly who to turn to.

According to Patel, if you’ve been noticing more people around you testing positive for COVID-19, you’re not alone. She conveniently forgets to mention that the number of hospitalizations is just 12 percent higher than last week. Oh no, the sky is falling! Brace yourselves, folks.

But don’t worry, Patel wants to ease our worries by giving us some “good news.” Apparently, the current rise in hospitalizations is nothing compared to previous summers. Well, call off the alarm, folks! I’m sure those who are sick right now will be relieved to know that it’s not as bad as it was before. Who needs accurate information when we can just compare ourselves to past disasters, right?

And here comes the real gem of Patel’s advice: bring back the masks! Yes, that’s right. Dust off your old face coverings, because according to her, they can be our “best friend.” Maybe she’s forgotten that masks have been proven to be ineffective in stopping the spread of the virus. But hey, who needs scientific facts when we can rely on nostalgia, right?

She even goes so far as to suggest that kids should wear masks again as the school season kicks off. Because, you know, we wouldn’t want our precious little ones to miss a single day of school due to preventable illnesses. It’s not like kids need fresh air or the ability to communicate clearly with their peers and teachers. Nope, let’s just strap a piece of cloth to their faces and call it a day.

It’s truly mind-boggling that MSNBC continues to give airtime to fearmongers like Dr. Kavita Patel. Instead of promoting common sense and actual scientific data, they prefer to push their own agenda. But hey, that’s the liberal media for you. Just remember, folks, take everything they say with a big ol’ grain of salt.

Written by Staff Reports

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