
MSNBC’s Far-Left Host Admits Favoring Trump Over DeSantis! Reveals All!

MSNBC, a left-leaning news network, has revealed a surprising preference for former President Donald Trump over Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. The network host, Katie Phang, made her preference clear during her appearance on the “All In” program, stating that she would prefer a Trump presidency over a DeSantis presidency. This declaration comes as a shock to many, as DeSantis has been praised by both conservatives and liberals for his intelligence, savviness, and ability to navigate the workings of the government. However, it seems that the left fears DeSantis more than Trump because they believe he poses a real threat to their agenda. They see DeSantis as someone who knows how to beat the woke left at their own game, and that terrifies them.

This preference for Trump over DeSantis is not limited to Phang. Other leftist commentators have also expressed their desire to see Trump as the Republican nominee in the 2024 presidential election. They believe that Biden would have an easier time defeating Trump than DeSantis. This preference for Trump is not based on admiration or support for the former president, but rather, it is a strategic move to ensure their own political success. These commentators want to make the 2024 general election all about Trump, as they believe it will give them the opportunity to once again portray themselves as the moral high ground when it comes to criticizing Trump.

However, these preferences should not sway Republican voters and independent voters who lean towards supporting Republicans. Instead of letting the media and commentators manipulate their opinions, these voters should research the candidates, listen to their speeches, and examine their records and accomplishments. The media loves to influence voters before primaries and elections, but it is important to make decisions based on personal research and judgement. The bottom line is that the left is trying to pick the GOP nominee, but voters should not let them have that power.

It is clear that the left fears DeSantis and sees him as a formidable opponent. His intelligence, discipline, and ability to navigate the political landscape make him a threat to their agenda. While it may be surprising to hear that some on the left prefer Trump over DeSantis, it is important to remember that their preference is not based on admiration but on their strategic political calculations. The battle for the Republican nomination in 2024 will be a fierce one, and Republican voters should not let the media or the left dictate their choices.

Written by Staff Reports

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