
MSNBC’s Maddow Exposes Anti-Trump Bias; CNN’s Tapper Stops Live Coverage!

In the ongoing media meltdown against former President Donald Trump, some media personalities have made shocking revelations. At MSNBC, Rachel Maddow admitted that they did not intend to cover Trump’s remarks live despite knowing that he planned to make them during his pre-fundraiser remarks. She claimed that the news organization could not knowingly broadcast “untrue things.” However, Maddow failed to cut back to the news if there was anything newsworthy for the audience.

CNN’s Jake Tapper also joined in the media bias by expressing his discomfort at the love Trump received from the public after his arraignment in Miami. He even stopped the live coverage, stating that Trump’s remarks were dangerous because of their potential to turn into a “spectacle” and a “campaign ad.”

Fired former CNN media critic, Brian Stelter, revealed that all outlets decide what is “disinformation” and what is the “truth” to be on the side of the “truth.” Thus, they essentially interfere in the elections by censoring the political opposition, just as they did in 2020 with the Hunter Biden laptop, a clear indication that they are working for the Democratic Party.

They claim that they strive to present the “truth.” However, it is ironic, given their track record of pushing lies, particularly the Russia collusion narrative that turned out to be a complete fraud. They cut off Trump’s defense and refused to show his supporters, only concentrating on the indictment.

This is censorship, and the media is admitting to shutting down the leading candidate for the Republican nomination of 2024. They are shutting down the political opposition and presenting only their political viewpoint, which is dangerous for our democracy.

In conclusion, it is evident that the media is working for the Democratic Party, and we the people must stand up against this biased media.

Source: Red State

Written by Staff Reports

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