
MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” Fears Biden’s Sinking Polls, Trump’s 2024 Comeback Looms

In a rare moment of self-reflection, the hosts of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” openly expressed their concerns about President Biden’s sinking poll numbers and the potential implications for the 2024 election. Even the usually left-leaning network couldn’t deny the panic mode that many Democrats find themselves in. Joe Scarborough, one of the hosts, cautioned that “American democracy is on the line,” and asked if we should just hope for the best.

To make matters worse for the Democrats, a recent Wall Street Journal poll showed that Donald Trump was leading by a whopping 46 points over Ron DeSantis. And if that wasn’t enough, another poll found that a staggering 73% of Americans believed Biden is too old for the job. These numbers are certainly concerning for the party that was hoping Biden would be a strong contender in the next election.

Donny Deutsch, another host on the show, admitted that the Wall Street Journal poll “freaked him out.” But instead of facing the reality of Biden’s lackluster performance, he suggested that Democrats should rally behind him regardless of his shortcomings. It seems like blind loyalty is the name of the game for the left.

The hosts ultimately concluded that the Democrats’ best strategy might be fear-mongering, focusing on the “fear of Donald Trump” and the potential “end of democracy” if he were to win a second term. But they also acknowledged that this desperate approach reflects the party’s growing desperation. It’s clear that the Democrats are grasping at straws to try and salvage their chances in 2024.

And it’s not just MSNBC that is worried about Trump’s resurgence. A top political analyst at CNN, David Chalian, was forced to admit that Trump was gaining strength in the race for the 2024 Republican nomination. The latest poll revealed that Trump had the support of a majority, 52%, of Republican and Republican-leaning voters, while Ron DeSantis trailed far behind at 18%. It appears to be a one-man race, and Trump is leading the pack.

In contrast, Governor Ron DeSantis, once seen as a formidable contender, is losing ground. Chalian highlighted that DeSantis had slipped eight percentage points since June. The numbers don’t lie, and it’s becoming increasingly clear that the 2024 Republican nomination is Trump’s to lose.

If these trends continue, it could result in a political comeback like no other in modern American history. Trump’s rising numbers coupled with DeSantis’ decline paint a challenging picture for the Democrats. They can no longer rely on their “Not Trump” strategy; they need a strong candidate and a solid platform to stand a chance in 2024. The question is, can they find one? Only time will tell.

Written by Staff Reports

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