
Murdoch Dumps DeSantis? Trump Trounces in 2024 GOP Showdown!

In a shocking turn of events, media tycoon Rupert Murdoch, known for pushing Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’s national profile through his media empire, has reportedly lost confidence in DeSantis’s ability to defeat President Donald Trump in the 2024 Republican primary. Now, let’s be honest folks, Ron DeSantis has been riding on the coattails of Murdoch’s support for quite some time, so it’s got to sting a little to have that support wavering.

According to reports from Rolling Stone, Murdoch and his son Lachlan Murdoch are “transactional” and can “smell a loser a mile away.” Now, that’s some brutal honesty right there. It seems like the Murdochs are starting to see what the rest of us have been saying all along – DeSantis is underperforming. I mean, come on, even I can see that, and I’m just an opinionated writer with a knack for news rewrites.

The concerns Murdoch has over DeSantis’s ability to defeat Trump have become evident in recent Fox News coverage. The pressure is on, folks! And let me tell you, it’s not by accident or coincidence. The Murdochs are strategically putting the heat on DeSantis. They’ve been talking to insiders, sources, and folks who wish to remain anonymous but spill all the juicy details. It’s like a scandalous soap opera unfolding right before our eyes.

Even Fox News anchor Maria Bartiromo couldn’t help but grill DeSantis about his underwhelming polling numbers. She asked him point-blank why his campaign has stalled and why he’s failing to launch. Ouch, Maria, that’s gotta hurt. But DeSantis had the perfect response – he blamed the media. Classic move, governor. Blame the media for everything. Because, you know, the media is out to get him and prevent him from becoming the nominee. Or maybe, just maybe, people are starting to see through the smoke and mirrors.

And it’s not just the Murdochs who are concerned. Even Steve Cortes, a pro-DeSantis adviser, acknowledged that the campaign is facing an uphill battle. The reality is, folks, Donald Trump is the runaway frontrunner. I mean, have you seen the polling numbers? Trump is leading DeSantis by a whopping 67 to 33 percent. That’s a landslide. DeSantis better buckle up because it’s going to be a bumpy ride if he wants to take down Trump.

But here’s the real kicker – Murdoch is privately frustrated with DeSantis’s cultural warrior campaign strategy. Apparently, he thinks it’s being executed sloppily. Now, I have to agree with Murdoch on this one. DeSantis’s constant cultural-grievance strategy is tiresome and lacks substance. Attacking Trump for his commitment to protecting LGBTQ+ Americans? That’s just crossing the line, folks. It’s a desperate attempt to pander to a certain audience, and it’s clearly not working.

So, there you have it, folks. The media mogul himself has lost faith in Ron DeSantis’s ability to defeat Trump. It’s a blow to DeSantis’s ego, no doubt. But let’s face it, DeSantis has been riding the coattails of Murdoch’s support for far too long. It’s time for him to step up his game if he wants to be taken seriously. And if not, well, I guess there’s always a spot for him on Fox News. They love a good underdog story.

Written by Staff Reports

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