
NBC Under Fire: Claims Biden’s Family is His ‘Greatest Strength’ Ignites Spark!

In a recent article, NBC attempted to paint a rosy picture of President Joe Biden’s family as one of his “greatest strengths.” But let’s be real here, folks, this is just another desperate attempt by the liberal media to prop up an inept president.

The article tries to downplay the legitimate concerns that Republicans have raised about Hunter Biden’s shady business dealings and the potential for corruption within the Biden family. They even go so far as to criticize Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene for exposing the truth about Hunter’s questionable activities. Seriously, is NBC more concerned with protecting the Bidens or reporting the facts?

What NBC conveniently ignores is the fact that Joe Biden has a laundry list of failures as president. From the skyrocketing inflation to the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, Biden’s track record speaks for itself. It’s no wonder that an overwhelming majority of Americans do not want him to run for re-election.

But instead of addressing these very real issues, the Democrats and their media lapdogs are trying to deflect and spin the narrative. They want you to believe that the Republicans are unfairly attacking Biden’s family, when in reality, it’s the Bidens themselves who have brought these controversies upon themselves.

This article from NBC is nothing more than a feeble attempt to cover up the scandals surrounding the Biden family. It’s not journalism, it’s pure propaganda. And as if the biased reporting wasn’t bad enough, NBC was rightfully “ratioed” into next week for their laughable spin.

It’s time for the American people to see through this charade and demand accountability from Joe Biden and his family. We deserve a president who is focused on our country, not on covering up his family’s misdeeds.

Written by Staff Reports

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