
New Jobs Report Debunked: Expert Exposes Troubling Inconsistencies!

Rebecca Walser, a tax attorney and registered investment advisor, appeared on Fox Business’ “Mornings with Maria” to discuss the latest jobs report from President Biden’s Bureau of Labor Statistics. Walser expressed her skepticism about the report, stating, “It’s a shock, actually,” in reference to the claim that 353,000 new jobs were added in January.

To support her skepticism, Walser pointed to the Challenger, Gray and Christmas report, which stated that there were 82,307 job cuts in January, a 136 percent increase over the previous month. She questioned how the jobs report could claim significant job growth while there were consistent announcements of layoffs from companies like UPS and Citi.

Walser raised concerns about the accuracy of the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ data and asked, “What is happening with the BLS data?” She highlighted the discrepancy between the positive jobs report and the reality of job cuts and decreased earnings for Americans.

Charles Payne, another Fox Business host, echoed Walser’s skepticism and emphasized that people earned less in January due to fewer work hours, contradicting the positive narrative of the jobs report.

This discussion on Fox Business raises important questions about the reliability and accuracy of government reports, especially when they seem inconsistent with the economic reality experienced by many Americans.

Written by Staff Reports

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