
New States Hit with California’s Hypocritical Travel Ban Over Transgender Bills!

In a shocking turn of events, California has once again shown its true colors by expanding its travel ban to three more states. This time, the ban is in response to those states having the audacity to protect the fairness and integrity of girls’ sports and prevent harmful gender reassignment surgeries on innocent children. How dare they!

California Attorney General Rob Bonta, who clearly has nothing better to do with his time, proudly announced the ban last week. According to Bonta, these new laws are discriminatory and a prime example of government overreach. Excuse me, Mr. Bonta, but protecting the rights of women and children should never be considered “government overreach.”

It’s truly astonishing how the left continues to push their radical agenda by prioritizing the feelings of a few over the rights of the majority. These laws in Missouri, Nebraska, and Wyoming are meant to ensure that biological males do not have an unfair advantage in girls’ sports. Is it really so hard to understand that males and females are biologically different and have different physical abilities?

But California doesn’t care about biological differences or fairness. No, they would rather play the role of the hero, putting transgender individuals on a pedestal as if they are the new saviors of our society. It’s a dangerous path we’re heading down when we prioritize the feelings of a few over the rights and safety of women and children.

Governor Mike Parson of Missouri should be commended for standing up against this madness and protecting the rights of women and girls in his state. It’s refreshing to see a leader who isn’t afraid to go against the woke mob and their progressive propaganda.

In the end, California’s expanded travel ban is just another example of their liberal agenda at work. They will stop at nothing to push their ideology and silence anyone who disagrees. It’s time for conservatives to stand up and fight back against this madness, before it’s too late.

Written by Staff Reports

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California’s Tantrum: Bans Travel to States Protecting Girls’ Sports and Kids

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