
New York’s Wireless Tax Heist Hits Record Highs!

Listen up, patriots! It’s time to talk about the outrageously high wireless taxes that hardworking Americans, especially those in New York, are being forced to pay by their oppressive state governments. According to a report by the Tax Foundation, New Yorkers are getting hit with the nation’s 4th highest level of taxes, fees, and government surcharges on their wireless services. That’s a whopping 20.40% in 2023! And when you tack on the federal Universal Service Fund charge of 10.83%, that adds up to a mind-blowing 31.23% for wireless services! Can you believe it?

But the travesty doesn’t stop there, folks. Illinois residents are suffering under the highest wireless taxes in the country at a blood-boiling 33.8%, while states like Arkansas and Washington are not far behind. It’s a disgrace! Meanwhile, our friends in Idaho are the lucky ones, paying the lowest wireless taxes at a much more reasonable 13.7%. Why can’t the rest of us catch a break like Idaho?

And just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, Texas saw a massive increase in wireless taxes in 2023, jumping from 24.1% to 28.3%! This is all thanks to an increase in the state’s Universal Service Fund charge, punishing Texans for simply trying to stay connected.

It’s absolutely criminal, folks. New York is just one of 14 states that slap additional taxes on wireless services on top of local option sales taxes. It’s a double whammy of government greed! And to add insult to injury, New York, along with several other states, has hiked up fees for things like 911 services. Seriously, can’t a person call for help without getting hit with more charges?

But it’s not just New Yorkers who are feeling the squeeze. The report reveals that nationally, the tax on taxable voice services has hit a record-high of 24.5%. That’s a lot of hard-earned cash being snatched away by the government, folks. Plus, U.S. wireless subscribers are forking over a mind-boggling $12.6 billion in taxes, fees, and government surcharges to state and local governments. That’s enough to make Uncle Sam blush with embarrassment!

And let’s not forget about the everyday American families just trying to stay connected. The typical household with four phones on a family plan is shelling out nearly $294 in taxes, fees, and government surcharges each month. Sure, that’s a slight improvement from the $305 they were being robbed of in 2022, but it’s still way too much! What’s next, a tax on sending emojis?

Sure, the Federal Universal Service Fund charge may have decreased for the first time in years, but don’t start cheering just yet. That reduction was overshadowed by a hefty increase in state and local wireless tax rates. It’s a relentless assault on our wallets!

And let’s not forget about how the average monthly revenue per wireless line has plummeted over the last decade, from $47.00 to a measly $34.56. It’s clear that the free market is driving prices down, but do the state governments care? Absolutely not! They’ll grab at any chance to squeeze more money out of hardworking Americans.

So, there you have it, folks. The wireless tax nightmare is alive and well, with no relief in sight. It’s time for the people’s voices to be heard, demanding an end to these outrageous taxes and fees that are burying us all under a mountain of government greed! Stand up, speak out, and let’s fight for fair and affordable wireless services!

Written by Staff Reports

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