
Newsom Attacks DeSantis: 2028 Election Preview?

California Governor Gavin Newsom (D-CA) has once again inserted himself into national politics, engaging in feuds with Republicans and positioning himself for potential future runs for higher office. In an interview with the Associated Press, Newsom vehemently denied any plans to run for president in 2024, instead focusing his attention on Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL), whom he called “weak” and “undisciplined,” and predicted would be “crushed” by former President Donald Trump in the Republican presidential primary.

With both Newsom and DeSantis term-limited, many are speculating that the two governors are engaged in an early preview of the 2028 presidential election. Newsom, still relatively young at 55, is said to be building his national brand and visibility, possibly positioning himself for an endorsement or even a cabinet position under a future Democratic president.

Despite criticism from some in his own party, Newsom has made a habit of singing the praises of President Joe Biden, whom he has been in regular contact with, and even defended Biden’s son Hunter amid legal scandals. Though some Democrats are calling for a new candidate in 2024, Newsom is standing by Biden and denouncing any potential challengers.

Regarding DeSantis, Newsom has questioned his focus and commitment, claiming that he is “taking his eye off the ball” by engaging in a feud with Newsom and that he will soon fall behind in national polls. However, recent polling by RealClearPolitics shows Trump with a commanding lead in the Republican primary, with DeSantis in second place, far outpacing any other potential candidates.

Newsom has also criticized DeSantis’ stance on “woke issues,” particularly as they relate to abortion and book bans. However, DeSantis has defended himself against the “book ban hoax” and other allegations, pointing out instances of censorship and banning of books in schools in California.

Ultimately, Newsom’s attacks on DeSantis may simply be an attempt to boost his own profile and prepare for future national runs, rather than a genuine interest in Florida’s politics. And with both governors facing term limits and multiple paths to higher office, all eyes will be on their feud as a potential preview of the 2028 presidential race.

Source: Townhall

Written by Staff Reports

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