
Newsom Breaks Ranks: Throws Sharp Jabs at Biden During Democrat Rumble

Governor Gavin Newsom of California is making some interesting moves that have political observers questioning his motives. Although it has long been rumored that Newsom has his sights set on a presidential run in 2028, recent actions and announcements have led some to suspect that he may be preparing to run in 2024 or positioning himself as a backup option.

Newsom has been steadily building a national profile for years, campaigning and buying ad space in other states. He is currently participating in a debate against Republican Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida on November 30th, giving him an opportunity to showcase his skills on a national stage. Additionally, he has vetoed bills that would require judges to consider a child’s gender identity in custody battles and prevent California state prisons from cooperating with federal immigration authorities, which are seen as attempts to appeal to more moderate voters outside of his liberal home state of California.

However, there are some potential obstacles for Newsom. Vice President Kamala Harris, also from California, could pose a challenge for him, especially as the first female, black, and Asian vice president. While her approval ratings are currently low, she could still present a hurdle for Newsom if he decides to run against her. Furthermore, there are concerns about Newsom overshadowing Harris and stepping on her toes as the designated backup for President Biden.

Despite these challenges, Newsom’s national profile continues to rise, and he enjoys relatively healthy approval ratings in California. Republican strategists anticipate that Newsom will eventually announce his candidacy for president, either in 2024 or 2028. It remains to be seen whether his moves to the center and his attempts to appeal to a broader audience will resonate with voters outside of California.

Written by Staff Reports

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