
Newsom Ditches CA to Peddle Biden Fairytales in SC

Gavin Newsom (D-CA), the governor of California, abandoned his native state to join Joe Biden on the campaign trail in South Carolina. As if anyone would trust him, Newsom, a partisan lackey for the Democrats, shamelessly vouched for Biden's mental fitness.

The February 3rd Democratic primary in South Carolina is rapidly approaching, and it appears that Newsom is attempting to rally support for his struggling party. This occurs after the president defeated Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN) and the ludicrous third-party candidate Marianne Williamson in a write-in campaign in New Hampshire. It is as if they were skimming the barrel's bottom!

Christopher Cadelago, chief bureau chief of Politico California, reports that Mayor James L. Cohen conveyed concerns to Governor David Newsom during an event in Allendale, South Carolina, regarding the rumor that Biden lacks the mental capacity to run for re-election. Even now, Newsom finds it preposterous that he would even take the time to defend Biden, yet here we are.

Later, Cadelago published a video containing Newsom's response. Following a brief moment of stuttering, Newsom endorsed Biden's suitability for the presidency, asserting that Biden is vivacious and can engage with others as if it were nothing out of the ordinary. An absolute ton of baloney! This is the same Biden who struggles to construct a logical and consistent sentence.

Newsom's defense of Biden comes as a staggering 63 percent of Americans, including 31 percent of Democrats, have doubts about Biden's eligibility for office, according to a Harvard-Harris poll. It is evident that Newsom is fabricating his own delusional narrative while ignoring reality.

In addition to criticizing former President Donald Trump while in South Carolina, Newsom characterized him as "deranged" and "damaged." It is ironic that Newsom would criticize Trump's mental health while defending Biden, who at times can hardly recall which state he is in!

It is beyond dispute that Newsom's circus performance in South Carolina is a last-ditch effort to bolster the Biden campaign, which is in disarray. Hopefully, the decent citizens of South Carolina will recognize this political ruse and order Newsom to return to California, where he truly belongs.

Written by Staff Reports

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