
Newsom Embarrassed in Epic Fail Against Chinese Kids in Basketball Game

Oh boy, did Gavin Newsom make a complete fool of himself. The video of him plowing shoulder-first into a Chinese child during a friendly basketball game is making the rounds, and it’s absolutely cringe-worthy. I mean, seriously, who does that?

But leave it to the leftists on social media to try and spin this as some kind of “public relations win” for Newsom. They claim it shows his “human/fatherly side.” Please. If I were the parent of that poor kid, I wouldn’t be thinking about Newsom’s “fatherly side.” I’d be more focused on making sure my child is okay after being bulldozed by the governor.

However, despite the unfortunate incident, there were some silver linings. People on social media had a field day with this one, creating memes and fake play-by-plays of the moment. Some even suggested that Newsom should have taken it even further, with WWE-style moves. Hey, at least they found some entertainment value in his clumsiness.

And let’s not forget the Trump/Newsom basketball comparisons that flooded the internet. People couldn’t help but draw parallels between Newsom’s embarrassing fall and his upcoming presidential aspirations. It’s a perfect representation of his campaign: trying to be cool and failing miserably.

Maybe this incident should serve as a reminder to elected officials to stick to playing games with people their own size and leave the kids alone. Just a thought. But knowing Newsom, he’ll probably find a way to blame this on climate change or something. Classic Newsom.

It’s moments like these that make you appreciate politicians like Ron DeSantis, who would never embarrass himself in such a way. While Newsom is out there groveling before China’s Xi Jinping, DeSantis is hitting bullseyes with his responses. Stay classy, Newsom.

Written by Staff Reports

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