
Newsom Takes CA From $97.5B Surplus to $73B Deficit: Fiscal Nightmare Unfolds!

Well, hot diggity dog, folks! Have you heard the latest jaw-dropping news coming out of the land of fruits and nuts, also known as California? It’s a real humdinger of a tale, straight out of a bad horror movie – only this time, the villain ain’t no monster with gnarly teeth, it’s the one and only Gavin Newsom, folks!

Just a hop, skip, and a jump ago in May 2022, California was swimming in a sea of green with a record surplus of $97.5 billion smackaroos! But hold onto your hats, ’cause the Golden State’s financial boat is sinking faster than you can say “tax hike”! According to those smarty-pants over at California’s Legislative Analyst’s Office, the budget deficit is headed straight for a whopping $73 billion cliff. Yikes!

Now, why in the world would California go from rolling in dough to drowning in debt? Well, folks, it’s simple – Gavin Newsom’s at the wheel. This fella has been steering the California ship right into an iceberg of bad decisions, and boy, is the ship sinking fast! With crime rates shooting through the roof, homelessness spreading like wildfire, and pro-crime District Attorneys on the loose, it’s no wonder the state’s financial future is looking as bleak as a cloudy day in San Francisco.

But hey, don’t fret just yet! There might be a glimmer of hope on the horizon. The smarty-pants at the Legislative Analyst’s Office reckon there’s about $24 billion in reserves that could help plug up this leaky financial ship. But hold onto your horses, ’cause it ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. Governor Newsom’s track record ain’t exactly sparkling clean, with California schools ranking lower than a mole in a mud pit and the border crisis knocking on the state’s door louder than a traveling salesman.

Folks, it’s time for a reality check in the Golden State. One-party rule ain’t cutting the mustard, and it’s high time folks woke up to the mess that’s been brewing under their very noses. So grab your cowboy hats, saddle up, and let’s ride into the sunset of financial responsibility, ’cause California deserves better than what Gavin Newsom’s been serving up!

Written by Staff Reports

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