
Newsom’s Abortion Lies Exposed: Radical Dems Snub Fetal Viability

In a recent interview with CNN, California Governor Gavin Newsom showed his true colors when he refused to take a stand on abortion restrictions. When asked about the growing concern among Republicans regarding support for late-term and post-birth abortions, Newsom dismissed it as a “political canard” and “total BS.” Well, let me tell you, Gavin, there’s nothing “made up” about the fact that Democrats are pushing for radical abortion policies that go against the values of the American people.

Newsom tried to argue that California already has laws in place that limit abortions to the point of fetal viability, which is defined as 24 weeks in the state. But don’t be fooled by his smoke and mirrors. He conveniently failed to mention the looming constitutional amendment that aims to provide even more “nuance” when it comes to this gruesome practice. It’s clear that Newsom and his fellow Democrats are determined to expand access to abortion and erode any semblance of protections for the unborn.

Furthermore, Newsom’s attempt to dismiss concerns over late-term abortions as “extreme and rare” is nothing short of a slap in the face to the countless innocent lives that are lost every year. These are not isolated incidents; they are heart-wrenching tragedies that deserve our attention and action. It’s outrageous that Newsom would rather play politics than acknowledge the moral implications of ending a viable pregnancy.

And let’s not forget Vice President Kamala Harris, who also dodged questions about abortion limitations in a recent interview. When pressed by the interviewer, Harris deflected and insisted on the need to “restore the protections of Roe v. Wade.” But restoring those protections means allowing for unrestricted abortion up until the moment of birth. It’s a dangerous and extreme position that puts the lives of the most vulnerable at risk.

The Biden administration and its allies in Congress, including many pro-abortion Senators, are actively pushing for the passage of the Women’s Health Protection Act, which would dismantle even the most basic restrictions on abortion. They want to enshrine the right to kill unborn children at any stage of pregnancy into law. It’s a chilling reminder of just how far the left is willing to go to promote their radical agenda.

In the face of such blatant disregard for the sanctity of life, it is more important than ever for conservatives to stand up and fight for the rights of the unborn. We cannot allow our country to slide further into this culture of death. We must advocate for common-sense regulations that protect both women and children and promote a society that values the dignity of every human being.

So, to Governor Newsom, Vice President Harris, and all those who share their extreme views on abortion, I say this: the American people will not be fooled by your rhetoric. We will continue to defend the rights of the unborn and work tirelessly to promote a culture of life. The fight is far from over, and we will not back down.

Written by Staff Reports

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