
Newsom’s COVID Confession: Too Little, Too Late, Blames Media & Elites!

California Governor Gavin Newsom’s attempt at coming clean on his state’s Covid response fell flat. In an interview on “Meet the Press,” Newsom admitted that he would have done everything differently, but conveniently shifted blame onto the mainstream media and elites instead of accepting responsibility for his own failures. It’s typical of liberals to deflect and avoid accountability.

While Newsom allowed the motion picture industry to get back to work, he imposed strict lockdowns that prevented people from grieving together at funerals or worshiping in churches. This blatant disregard for the First Amendment rights of Californians shows where Newsom’s priorities truly lie. It’s clear that he values Hollywood elites over the average citizen.

Newsom claimed that his decisions were based on the wisdom of experts and that the state listened to critics during the Covid response. But let’s be honest, the only critics who were truly being listened to were the ones who echoed Newsom’s liberal agenda. Anyone who dared to question his policies was censored and deplatformed. This is the kind of suppression of free speech that conservatives have been warning about.

Furthermore, Newsom’s talk of a “lessons learned” report and a 9/11-style commission on the pandemic is just a way for him to save face. There’s no need for more bureaucracy and empty gestures. What we need is real leadership and accountability. But that’s something Newsom seems to be lacking.

In the interview, Newsom mentioned that he would have done things differently, such as allowing outdoor classrooms and having a deeper understanding of masks. But these are just empty words. The scientific literature has been clear from the beginning that Covid is unlikely to spread outdoors and masks have proven to be ineffective at stopping viral transmission. Newsom’s sudden realization of these facts is nothing more than an attempt to appear knowledgeable and in touch with the science.

Newsom’s attempt to blame partisanship for the politicization of health is laughable. It was politicians like him who politicized Covid-19 in the first place. They abused their powers, infringed on our civil rights, and ignored the warnings of those who knew better. The fact that health became partisan is a direct result of their actions.

It’s clear that Newsom is trying to rehabilitate his image from being seen as a “Covid tyrant” to that of a rational politician. But conservatives won’t be fooled by his empty promises and attempts to shift blame. We know that he has failed California and the American people. And if he decides to run for president in 2024, he’ll have a lot to answer for. Americans deserve leaders who take responsibility for their actions, not ones who try to rewrite history to save their own reputations.

Written by Staff Reports

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